How is collective / shared knowledge created?
Collective knowledge, with lived experience included, offers diverse perspectives, enriching understanding and empathy. It enhances problem-solving by tapping into real-world insights, promotes inclusivity, and empowers individuals by validating their experiences. The collective expertise when used in the co-production of services results in better service design.
Why is it important to add your own lived experience to the collective voice?
My story is unique, and everyone has their own perspective on what a therapeutic health service could be; capturing these different perspectives helps to ensure that services are as inclusive and effective as possible.
How do you contribute to this collective voice?
I have learnt to effectively share my story, and those stories entrusted to me, in a way that influences positive change and creates understanding, breaking down the ‘us’ and ‘them.
What are the personal benefits of contributing to the collective voice?
For me so far… Confidence, social connection, solidarity, relief and hope, professional and personal skill development, the ability to influence and then witness change and feeling accomplished, powerful, and proud.
What is Collective knowledge to you?
It is the accumulation of lived expertise, a base from which we can all draw upon. It is the building of knowledge, and the shoulders, that supports us; not just from the people here today, but also those who have guided us to this point.